Positive Leadership

  • Positive Leadership

| Description 

You can learn how to lead a team positively. On the one hand, you will improve your knowledge of leadership skills; on the other hand, you will discover how to positively and constructively impact your team.

| Target Group 

This training course on positive leadership is for you if you are responsible for a number of people or taking on team responsibility in the near future. It is especially helpful when you create a culture of trust, collaboration, and growth.

| Approach 

The training course starts with the participants' input: questions, examples, and cases. There is much interaction and variation. We will not be watching a slideshow the whole time: we will be switching between sitting, walking, talking, writing, laughing, learning, and remembering. 

| Contents 

You will learn leadership techniques shaped by different sources of positive leadership. You will discover tricks and strategies to tackle situations and relationships so that they lead to noble outcomes.

    • Communicate clearly with insights from positive psychology.
    • Tackle situations and relationships with a focus on solutions and strengths.
    • Navigate between cognitive and affective empathy.
    • Analyse your values, examine your beliefs, and align them with positive leadership.

    Applications can include verbal, non-verbal, written, formal, informal, policy, and operational communication.

    In short, you will learn to think and act strategically with the foundations of positive leadership. Each participant will go home with a personal action plan.

    | Duration

    Two times two residential days in our seminar place in the Belgian Eifel (Southeast Belgium)

    | Calendar

    Tailored training and consultation only until further notice.

    | Location

    Dojo-Haus, St. Vith (B)

    | Price

    € 1,440 per person. Inclusive of VAT, overnight stay and meals.
    Get in touch to discuss any advantage packets.

    • € 1,440.00

    Available Options

    Or how about this?

    Ethical Leadership

    € 1,080.00

    Tags: team, management, leadership, peoplemanagement, positive